Your Loca Service agency in Orléans

This branch serves the Centre Val de Loire area.

Rue Jacques Dufrasne

03 20 95 52 00

Opening hours

  • Agency
  • Quays
  • Monday
  • 8h to 16h30
  • 8h-12h/13h30-15h30
  • Tuesday
  • 8h to 16h30
  • 8h-12h/13h30-15h30
  • Wednesday
  • 8h to 16h30
  • 8h-12h/13h30-15h30
  • Thursday
  • 8h to 16h30
  • 8h-12h/13h30-15h30
  • Friday
  • 8h to 16h30
  • 8h-12h/13h30-15h30

Listening to you

We are at your disposal for any questions regarding your current or future rentals.

Contact us